The 2017 Estacada Festival of the Fungus is Nov. 4 at Estacada High School.

It will be a great opportunity to learn more about fungi, the how & why they are in the environment.

Nov. 3:

Members only field trip to the Mt Hood National Forest. The purpose of this trip is two-fold. First to survey areas for fungal diversity and second to collect specimens for the show on Nov 4th.  Meet in parking lot behind Mossy Rock Nature Shop 398 N Broadway Estacada at 8 am.

Nov. 3:

Set-up for the Estacada Festival of the Fungus. The show is held this year at Estacada High School in the Commons by the main entrance. Set-up will be 6-8 pm. We will need your help. Many hands make light work. Contact Connie Redmond-Show coordinator at 503-819-5339 or email for volunteer opportunities in both set-up, tear down and during the show. Free admission for volunteers.

Nov. 4:

The Main Event! Estacada Festival of the Fungus Time: 11 am-4pm. Come and enjoy the mushroom displays, talk with our experts, visit the vendors and watch the demonstrations on cleaning mushrooms and fermentation by local experts. 

On Nov 4th—tear down of the show will be immediately after the show, from 4-6 pm.
Signups for the Festival Show are open now, please contact Connie Redmond ASAP for volunteer opportunities.

Nov. 28:

General Meeting. Open to the public! Flora Room, Estacada Public Library, Estacada, Oregon.
7-7:30 pm Mushroom Identification
7:30—Business meeting and Speaker