These restaurants will feature wild mushrooms dishes for the 2017 festival:

Cazadero Inn


325 SE Highway 211, Estacada, OR • 503-630-2900

Hitchin’ Post Pizza

hitchinpost 458 SW 2nd Ave, Estacada, OR • 503-630-6885

The Harmony Bakery Company

221 SW Wade St, Estacada, OR • 503-630-6857


Eagle Creek Saloon

25960 SE Eagle Creek Rd, Eagle Creek, Estacada • 503-637-3269


Old Mill Saloon

150 SW Frontage Rd, Estacada, OR • 503-630-1909 oldmill

Fearless Brewing Company

fearless 326 S Broadway St, Estacada, OR • 503-630-2337

The Mason Jar

masonjar 360 SW Broadway, Estacada, OR • 503-630-2233